Revolutionize Your Experiment

Engaging with your Human Design and Gene Keys has been complex, disorganized, and inefficient... until now.

Step into the future of your Human Design experiment and Gene Keys contemplation – with The Cosmic Compendium.  


Revolutionize Your Experiment

Engaging with your Human Design and Gene Keys has been complex, disorganized, and inefficient... until now.

Step into the future of your Human Design experiment and Gene Keys contemplation – with The Cosmic Compendium.


What is The Cosmic Compendium?

This is a one-of-a-kind, Wiki-Database-Journal hybrid software designed for Human Design & Gene Keys Professionals like you. It was designed to make your personal contemplations, and professional coaching, teaching, or reading work much easier, by solving these 3 problems:


PROBLEM #1: Information Splatter

Ever looked around as you were studying and found 32 tabs open, 3 books covered in sticky notes, countless saved IG posts that you can't reference, and thought "There has to be another way?"

Spoiler alert: there is!

SOLUTION #1: The Wiki

FINALLY – All of the foundational Human Design & Gene Keys information in one place!

Intuitively functioning like a wiki, now you can easily navigate the endless rabbit hole of information that these systems contain, and find the information you need.

PROBLEM #2: Disorganized Data

There is a reason behind everything in Human Design, Gene Keys, and their shared foundational systems, Astrology and the I'Ching. But if you never mapped the data in a usable way, you'd never see the trends, the absolute perfection behind the synthesis of all these systems.

So – I organized it for you!

SOLUTION #2: The Database

I took the HUNDREDS of properties within HD & GK and mapped them in a way that can actually support your contemplation and understanding!

Want to see what Channels are in the Root Center? Sure!

Want to only filter for Gates in Earth Signs? Got you!

Wish you could search for all your Line 1 Vocation clients? Done!


PROBLEM #3: Lack of Dynamism

If Human Design is a life-long experiment, and Gene Keys a life-long contemplation, where are you supposed to store all the insights, lessons, and knowledge you're cultivating every day that you're on this journey?

Scattered Google Docs, journals, and book notes only get you so far. What if you could just write RIGHT into the Wiki from Solution #1? Guess what – you can!

SOLUTION #3: The Journal

Each Wiki page isn't just a static place to only read and view data – it's an endlessly expandable, safe, dynamic page that you can continuously add to as you engage with these systems long term!

Saw a cool blog post that described Tribal Circuitry really well? Add the link and copy-paste your favorite snippet!

Heard a fantastic podcast on the difference between Life's Work and Purpose? Embed the Spotify link right onto the page and listen it directly from there!

Got sent an image that visualized the 7 Authorities in an interesting way? Upload it onto the Authorities page and never lose it again! 

What is The Cosmic Compendium?

This is a one-of-a-kind, Wiki-Database-Journal hybrid software designed for Human Design & Gene Keys Professionals like you. It was designed to make your personal contemplations, and professional coaching, teaching, or reading work much easier, by solving these 3 problems:


PROBLEM #1: Information Splatter

Ever looked around as you were studying and found 32 tabs open, 3 books covered in sticky notes, countless saved IG posts that you can't reference, and thought "There has to be another way?"

Spoiler alert: there is!

SOLUTION #1: The Wiki

FINALLY – All of the foundational Human Design & Gene Keys information in one place!

Intuitively functioning like a wiki, now you can easily navigate the endless rabbit hole of information that these systems contain, and find the information you need.


PROBLEM #2: Disorganized Data

There is a reason behind everything in Human Design, Gene Keys, and their shared foundational systems, Astrology and the I'Ching. But if you never mapped the data in a usable way, you'd never see the trends, the absolute perfection behind the synthesis of all these systems.

So – I organized it for you!

SOLUTION #2: The Database

I took the HUNDREDS of properties within HD & GK and mapped them in a way that can actually support your contemplation and understanding!

Want to see what Channels are in the Root Center? Sure!

Want to only filter for Gates in Earth Signs? Got you!

Wish you could search for all your Line 1 Vocation clients? Done!


PROBLEM #3: Lack of Dynamism

If Human Design is a life-long experiment, and Gene Keys a life-long contemplation, where are you supposed to store all the insights, lessons, and knowledge you're cultivating every day that you're on this journey?

Scattered Google Docs, journals, and book notes only get you so far. What if you could just write RIGHT into the Wiki from Solution #1? Guess what – you can!

SOLUTION #3: The Journal

Each Wiki page isn't just a static place to only read and view data – it's an endlessly expandable, safe, dynamic page that you can continuously add to as you engage with these systems long term!

Saw a cool blog post that described Tribal Circuitry really well? Add the link and copy-paste your favorite snippet!

Heard a fantastic podcast on the difference between Life's Work and Purpose? Embed the Spotify link right onto the page and listen it directly from there!

Got sent an image that visualized the 7 Authorities in an interesting way? Upload it onto the Authorities page and never lose it again! 

Take a peek inside...


What's Included?

My Human Design Hub

This is the home for everything related to YOUR unique Human Design.

Start with a pre-made template to quickly build out your personal one-stop-shop for your design.

No need to have one page up to see your bodygraph, a random screenshot to read about your Authority, and another Google Doc to try to journal on it – it's all in one place for you.

My Gene Keys Hub

Just like there's a home for your Human Design, there's one for your Gene Keys.

Loaded with a pre-made template, you'll set up a Gene Keys hub in no time.

The Gene Keys are a beautiful slow burn, and this will be your reliable place to revisit over and over again as your contemplation brings new insights, and a place to document them.

The Chart Library

Tired of clunky software that doesn't allow you to search for client charts easily or take notes on your charts?

Yeah, me too.

The Chart Library is not only a place to store and search for charts in a lightning-quick and flexible way... also doubles as a CRM-like client hub, which you can make as lightweight or as robust as you'd like!

The Reference Library

I'm not saying there's a star of the show... but this is kind of the star of the show!

Introducing: The Reference Library.

An extensive Human Design & Gene Keys database that moonlights as a journal, you've never seen HD & GK like this before.

No more scrambling for your notes & reference books – find it all in one place (finally!).

The Contemplation Journal

This is the home for all your personal contemplations to live – and the beauty lies in the extensive customization

Scribbled a note on a napkin that you don't want to lose? Take a picture and upload it.

Recorded a voice memo while having a moment of clarity? Embed it directly on the page.

Appearing throughout The Compendium, it keeps all your notes in al the right places.

The Cosmic Help Desk Hub

Meant to be ever-evolving, The Cosmic Help Desk is a curated resource library to expand your Compendium.

From everything to books, courses, podcast, Instagram accounts and more, you'll find my favorite trusted resources to continue your studies.

And like everything else in The Compendium, it's meant for you to add to it as you grow, learn, and discover.

Plus step-by-step tutorials on how to set up and use your Cosmic Compendium!

What's Included?

My Human Design Hub

This is the home for everything related to YOUR unique Human Design.

Start with a pre-made template to quickly build out your personal one-stop-shop for your design.

No need to have one page up to see your bodygraph, a random screenshot to read about your Authority, and another Google Doc to try to journal on it – it's all in one place for you.

My Gene Keys Hub

Just like there's a home for your Human Design, there's one for your Gene Keys.

Loaded with a pre-made template, you'll set up a Gene Keys hub in no time.

The Gene Keys are a beautiful slow burn, and this will be your reliable place to revisit over and over again as your contemplation brings new insights, and a place to document them.

The Chart Library

Tired of clunky software that doesn't allow you to search for client charts easily or take notes on your charts?

Yeah, me too.

The Chart Library is not only a place to store and search for charts in a lightning-quick and flexible way... also doubles as a CRM-like client hub, which you can make as lightweight or as robust as you'd like!

The Reference Library

I'm not saying there's a star of the show... but this is kind of the star of the show!

Introducing: The Reference Library.

An extensive Human Design & Gene Keys database that moonlights as a journal, you've never seen HD & GK like this before.

No more scrambling for your notes & reference books – find it all in one place (finally!)

The Contemplation Journal

This is the home for all your personal contemplations to live – and the beauty lies in the extensive customization

Scribbled a note on a napkin that you don't want to lose? Take a picture and upload it.

Recorded a voice memo while having a moment of clarity? Embed it directly on the page.

Appearing throughout The Compendium, it keeps all your notes in al the right places.

The Cosmic Help Desk Hub

Meant to be ever-evolving, The Cosmic Help Desk is a curated resource library to expand your Compendium.

From everything to books, courses, podcast, Instagram accounts and more, you'll find my favorite trusted resources to continue your studies.

And like everything else in The Compendium, it's meant for you to add to it as you grow, learn, and discover.

Plus step-by-step tutorials on how to set up and use your Cosmic Compendium!

Want your Compendium Customized?


Loving the idea of having YOUR unique Human Design & Gene Keys in your Compendium, but not loving the time commitment to do so?

I got you! Simply choose the "Customized Compendium" add-on and I'll pre-load your design into your Compendium!



Want your Compendium Customized?

Loving the idea of having YOUR unique Human Design & Gene Keys in your Compendium, but not the time commitment to do so?

I got you! Simply choose the "Customized Compendium" add-on and I'll pre-load your design into your Compendium!



About Me

Hey there! My name is Maria Henning, I am a 2/5 Emotional Manifesting Generator and I'm a Gene Keys & Human Design Teacher, Reader, and Coach, and of course, App Creator and Tech Founder!

Originally from Venezuela, I grew up in Texas and studied Marine Science at Boston University. Graduating at the top of my class with Honors from original research that continues to be published to this day, I really came to love working with data! (Proud nerd here). 

After diving deep into my study of Gene Keys & Human Design, I created The Cosmic Compendium from thousands of hours of studying, doing readings, and coaching using these systems. I wanted a better way to visualize, engage with, and add to my growing body of knowledge of these teachings.

And thus The Cosmic Compendium was born – the result of a Capricorn Stellium's obsession with understanding and organizing the vast amount of data contained in the transmissions of Human Design & Gene Keys, and a Line 3 Vocation that wants it to be practical, accessible, and applicable. Enjoy!


About Me

Hey there! My name is Maria Henning, I am a 2/5 Emotional Manifesting Generator and I'm a Human Design & Gene Keys Mentor.

Originally from Venezuela, I grew up in Texas and studied Marine Science at Boston University. Graduating at the top of my class with Honors from original research that continues to be published to this day, I really came to love working with data! (Proud nerd here). 

After diving deep into my study of Human Design & Gene Keys, I created The Cosmic Compendium from thousands of hours of studying, doing readings, and coaching using these systems. I wanted a better way to visualize, engage with, and add to my growing body of knowledge of these teachings.

And thus The Cosmic Compendium was born – the result of a Capricorn Stellium's obsession with understanding and organizing the vast amount of data contained in the transmissions of Human Design & Gene Keys, and a Line 3 Vocation that wants it to be practical, accessible, and applicable.  




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